Jackson County Schools Operating Engineer Apprenticeship Readiness Pathway

Pathway Overview
Beginning with the 2022-2023 school year Jackson County Schools will partner with Stride/K12 and the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 132 to offer the Operating Engineer Pathway. This pathway is offered through Ravenswood and Ripley High Schools.
- Students participating in the pathway will take a series of classes that will prepare them to apply to the IUOE Local 132 Joint Apprenticeship program.
- Students may enroll in courses for the coming school year to complete the pathway.
- These courses are a part of the school’s daily schedule and are also available to students enrolled in the Jackson County Schools Virtual School program.
- Home school students may also enroll for the courses through the Virtual School program.
Course Descriptions
CAR022 Construction Explorations
Course Length: One semester
This course provides students with an introduction of the basic equipment used in the construction industry. Students learn about basic equipment operations and job responsibilities. This course prepares students to use concepts pertaining to safety, maintenance, mathematics and communication that Operating Engineers may experience.
MFG010 Basic Grade & Construction
Course Length: One semester
In the construction industry, grading is the work of ensuring a level base, or a grade with a specific slope. Grade construction work is needed in almost any building project, from laying a building foundation, to landscaping, or even roadwork. In this course, you will be introduced to core equipment used in the staking process, as well as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used in the construction industry. Communication processes used in the construction industry for interpreting and setting grade are also an important part of this course. Finally, you will learn mathematical concepts related to the construction industry for grade staking.
MFG201: ALV BASIC CONSTRUCTION Equipment Fundamentals
Course Length: One semester
In the construction industry, the proper use of heavy equipment is necessary to ensure quality work and a safe work environment. In addition, being able to recognize and determine the use of specific heavy equipment will create a more efficient work team. Heavy equipment is used in almost any construction project, from building a house to excavating for a new road. In this course, you will be introduced to core equipment used by operating engineers, as well as their maintenance needs. Communication processes used by operating engineers, rigging and
signaling practices, safety awareness and mathematical concepts related to the construction industry are also covered.
MFG202: ALV BASIC MAINTENANCE of Mobile Equipment
Course Length: One semester
This course focuses directly on maintenance of mobile equipment through a series of engaging tutorials. A major focus of the course is on maintenance safety including such topics as LOTO. Other topics include tools and fasteners, preventative maintenance principles, engines, intake and exhaust, fuel systems, coolant systems, filters and filtration, lubrication systems, hydraulics, electrical systems, tires, and tracks and undercarriages.